Blog Organsation Tips
I am usually a pretty organised person in general because I feel stressed when things are in disarray. As a blogger, I have to manage my website and make sure that I post regularly. I struggled with this a lot at first, but now I have gotten the hang of it and I will share with you some tips and tricks that help me post on time.
Having a blog post finished well before you intend on publishing it is one way to make blogging easier for yourself. I write my posts months before they are posted so that I have a lot of time to complete it and work on other things before it needs to be posted. For example, I am writing this post currently in early December, but it will be posted in early January.
Inside my "blog" notebook, I keep a table of what posts I am posting when and how much of them have been completed. This helps me get posts done before their deadlines and allows me to work on them in bits and pieces.
In this table I have eight columns containing the date of upload, the month of upload and the post title. Next, I have little symbols representing if the post is written, photographed, assembled, edited and published.
Having a blog that you are proud of will provide you with the motivation necessary to create quality content and post on time. If you put in lots of effort and enjoy blogging, then you won't have a problem staying organised when posting.
Hopefully this will help you be more organised with your blog and less stressed about when to post. Thanks for reading my blog!
~Inkpot Blogger
~Inkpot Blogger
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