Happy 1st Birthday!

Another year has gone by and we welcome the new year. We are all a little older and a little wiser. It doesn't seem at all very long ago that I began writing on this blog as the Inkpot Blogger. It was at this time last year that the Pen And Inkpot blog was born. I wrote my first post: Welcome to the Pen and Inkpot, and crossed my fingers. But I'm not hoping for success and popularity, I am hoping to inspire people and encourage people to do what they love. I write about what I love, books, movies, food, craft and God. Although I don't always get around to posting every week and sometimes I forget about it altogether, I enjoy writing, photographing and posting when I can. Okay, okay, I don't get thousands of views and endless comments on my blog, but that doesn't mean I'm not grateful for the views I do get. If you are reading this now, I want to say thank you! I want to really thank those of you who have been with me for a while. I really love seeing peop...