Happy 1st Birthday!
Another year has gone by and we welcome the new year. We are all a little older and a little wiser. It doesn't seem at all very long ago that I began writing on this blog as the Inkpot Blogger. It was at this time last year that the Pen And Inkpot blog was born. I wrote my first post: Welcome to the Pen and Inkpot, and crossed my fingers. But I'm not hoping for success and popularity, I am hoping to inspire people and encourage people to do what they love. I write about what I love, books, movies, food, craft and God. Although I don't always get around to posting every week and sometimes I forget about it altogether, I enjoy writing, photographing and posting when I can.

Okay, okay, I don't get thousands of views and endless comments on my blog, but that doesn't mean I'm not grateful for the views I do get. If you are reading this now, I want to say thank you! I want to really thank those of you who have been with me for a while. I really love seeing people who are interested in the same things as me and take time to notice what I'm saying. So I hope that you keep reading my blog and share it with those bookworms you know.
As much as I love posting about the things that I love, I would like to know what you like too! Please leave a comment in the box at the bottom and tell me what posts you would like to see me write or books you would like me to read and review for the next year. I would appreciate your input.
As much as I love posting about the things that I love, I would like to know what you like too! Please leave a comment in the box at the bottom and tell me what posts you would like to see me write or books you would like me to read and review for the next year. I would appreciate your input.
So let's say HIP HIP HOORAY for the first birthday of my little blog!
~The Inkpot Blogger
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