The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis

The Chronicles of Narnia are a series of seven novels set in the magical land of Narnia. Each individual novel isn’t very long and it took me two months to read all seven. Despite how long it took, I didn’t get bored of them at all and found them interesting and entertaining. Written by C.S Lewis, they are aimed at children, and although this made the story shallow at times, I believe that all ages could get lost in them. I love how the characters and events link together from story to story, giving the reader a rich background knowledge and closeness to the world of Narnia as it grows and changes. For me, the Chronicles of Narnia had a deeper meaning than the fantasy story. The tales of Narnia are actually written to be like the story of the Bible and I found this eye opening to read. I could recognise the creation story, the crucifixion and the resurrection as it was played out metaphorically with different characters and in a way which broadened my understanding of the ...