Hostage- Karen Tayleur

In all honesty, I wasn't very impressed with this book so I want to give you my real opinion on it. Hostage looks like a really gripping, intense, scary book with a blurb that entices you in. "I don't remember the knife. I remember something cold on my neck, which could have been a knife, or could have been his cold fingers pressing into me ... And then we were in the car. And then we were gone." I found that there were some flaws in the novel which made it not as intense as it seems. The book begins with a girl named Tully who is at a police station being interviewed about the previous 24 hours when she was taken as a hostage by a kid from her school. The problem here is that I know already that Tully is fine, so whatever happened to her while she was hostage must not have been that bad because she is clearly fine afterwards. Then point of views are changed between Tully ultimately lying to the police, to what actually happened, to what Tully ...