
Showing posts from April 9, 2017

Palm Sunday Crosses

Easter is approaching fast and this year I have another Easter craft to share with you. The Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday. In church we focus on the time before Jesus' death when he enters Jerusalem. He rides humbly on the back of a donkey and is greeted by people laying their coats down for him to walk across and praising him waving palm fronds. Traditionally at my church, on Palm Sunday a small cross made out of a palm leaf is handed out. I have always been curious as to how a flimsy leaf can be fashioned into the form of a crucifix and finally, I have learnt how to do it and I am eager to share it with you. All you will need are two palm leaves that are roughly the same length (less than 30cm long). If you don't have any palm trees to steal leaves off, you can use some nice paper and cut two lengths that are the same width and length. You might also need scissors to trim your cross at the end (more on that later). Step 1 Make sure that your two strips ar...