State of Grace - Hilary Badger

This novel was interesting and entertaining to read. It seemed a shame that it felt like almost every aspect of this novel I had read before. The overall idea was so similar to other dystopian novels I have read and even many details were cliche. It seemed like a copy of Divergent with different characters and different settings but the same events and plot line. A girl lives in an "ideal" world and doesn't doubt it until her mind starts to rebel and she realises that the world is bigger than the wall she is trapped inside. After a series of events, the girl escapes with a guy and they fall in love. Sound familiar? This is exactly what happens in Divergent too! In a nutshell, that is vaguely what happens in "The State of Grace" but here is a more specific blurb. Although nobody exists beyond the garden where Wren lives, that doesn't matter since she has everything she will ever need. Living in paradise, a community with freedom and fun, every...