A Thousand Pieces of You - Claudia Gray

At first, this novel just looked like another cliche dystopian book but I read it because I was intrigued by the unique concept. Unfortunately, in the end it was very similar to other novels I have read of the the same genre. In school, I was taught that when narrative writing to "show not tell" but I found that "A Thousand Pieces of You" used very basic language which told the story instead of using more adjectives and metaphors to depict events as they happened. The idea behind the novel was original and had the potential to create an awesome story, but a few things prevented me from really loving it. Marguerite Caine is the daughter of two brilliant physicists who have made a discovery which will change the world forever. She is encouraged to imagine the impossible and is surrounded by wild, scientific theories until one day, her father is murdered. All of the evidence points towards Paul, one of Marguerite's parent's students who has used their ...