My Photography Tips

I would not consider myself an expert in photography, but I wanted to share some tips with you anyway as to how I create photos that I am proud of. I am not a professional photographer, I just take my photos around my room on my phone but I have come a long way since starting my blog in terms of my photography skills. Also, these tips apply mostly to photos for blogging and instagram but may be different for you depending on the personal style of your photos. In this post I will tell you tips that have improved my photography and that you may also find useful. White Backgrounds This one is pretty self explanatory. I have found that consistently using a white back drop for my photos makes them look cleaner and more professional. It stops colours clashing and focuses the attention on whatever object is being photographed. The background could be a white wall in your house or the top of your white desk, I sometimes use a white sheet with also adds texture t...