DIY Terrarium

I was lucky to receive a "Build your own Terrarium" kit as a gift and I was very excited to make it. It was great fun and is a great way to bring the outside in. It was really easy and if you have the right materials, you probably don't need a kit like mine. The materials that were in the kit were: - A clear glass bowl - Small stones - Small white pebbles - Small black pebbles - Mini Shovel and rake - Spray bottle - Tweezers Other things you'll need: - Cactus Soil - Cacti or succulent of your choice Start by placing the stones in the bottom of the bowl. Then add soil so that the bowl is a little over a half way full. Plant your cactus plants into the soil making sure they aren't too close together and won't grow too tall for the container. TIP: Use gloves for this! Cacti are very prickly and their spikes can HURT! Sprinkle the black and white pebbles over the soil in whatever way you like. I put a layer of black pebbles on f...