Notes From My Capitvity - Kathy Parks

I hadn't actually heard of this novel before it appeared in my August Once Upon a Book Club Box, but I am definitely glad I read it. It is difficult to put a single genre to it because there was so much variety in the novel: adventure, paranormal, romance, mystery. All of these genres got blended together to create the unique novel that is "Notes From My Captivity". Adrienne's father was killed by a drunk driver seven years ago. Now she lives with her worried mother, evil step brother and obsessed step father. Adrienne can't help but dislike her stepdad, Dan, because he is trying to take the place of her real father and no one can do that. He also happens to be fascinated by a mythical family called the Osinovs who supposedly live in the Siberian wilderness. When Adrienne pretends to be interested in Dan's obsession, she gets brought along to an expedition into the Siberian wilderness. Her secret plan is to stack up the evidence against the existence...