Reader on the 6.27 - Jean-Paul Didierlaurent

I have had this book on my shelf for a while and now that I've read it I wonder why I did not read it sooner. The Reader on the 6.27 is a french novel and a heartwarming read. With many quirky characters and some great concepts, this is a simple but enjoyable book. Guylain Vignolles is drowning in the hollowness of his life. Working at a book pulping factory drains the life out of him and with only his pet goldfish to keep him company at home, there's not much for Guylain to live for. There is only one thing that brings him pleasure. Every morning on the boring commute to work on the 6.27 train, Guylain pulls out pages from his briefcase and begins to read aloud. These assorted pieces from a variety of books have been saved from the jaws of the the pulping machine and they bring both him and the travellers on the train the power of reading. One day, Guylain finds the diary of Julie, a woman just as lonely as he is. The lavatory attendant's fascinating story is re...