Writing a Short Story for Amateur Authors

Have you ever read a novel that was so terrible that you thought, "I could write something better than that"? Have you ever had a genius idea for a story, but haven't had the motivation to type it up? Have you got notebooks filled with half written stories that you never got around to finishing? If you answered yes to all, some or none of those questions, then this is the post for you! Writing a short story or novelette is simpler than you think and in this post I will outline five easy steps to writing an awesome story. Step 1: Brainstorm Before you even start thinking about writing a story, you need to have an idea of what it will be about. Take an idea of a character, event or setting and let your imagination run wild to form the beginnings of a plot. Brainstorming can happen in your head, but it is more effective when done through dot points or a mind map on paper. In a brainstorm, you don't need to go into much detail, but simply jot ideas ...