In Another Time- Caroline Leech

This is the second book I have received from the company Once Upon a Book Club and I was a little hesitant to read it. The novel is a romance war novel which seems a little out of place for a young adult novel but I found it quite enjoyable. It was the heartwarming story of one woman's journey towards independence, friendship and first love. An inspirational and insightful novel about life away from the battle fields of World War II crossed with the point of view of a girl pining for a man she can't have. "In Another Time" made for an interesting combo. It is 1942 and Maise Mcall is doing her part for the war as a lumber jill for the Women's Timber Corps. Out in the Scottish highlands, she has gotten independence, friends, a few more muscles and some nasty blisters. Felling trees is hard work compared to her normal life back home, but Maisie won't turn back. A small pleasure that the ladies at the WTC are provided is the local dances. Dancing with her ...