Travelling Around Dublin and Guildford

I have written up this blog post for you so I can continue sharing with you my favourite parts of my travels in Europe. In the previous Blog post I outlined my three favourite places in London (copy this link to check it out ). In this post I will share with you my adventures in Guildford in the English countryside and things to do in Dublin, Ireland. After spending 6 days in the heart of London, we took the train out to a town called Guildford which was around 45 minutes from the city. There we spend a few days at a small hotel called the Premier Inn. (It was a little cramped in there!) During our stay, we visited friends who used to live near us in Melbourne and we thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful countryside. We went on little walks in and out the the town, did some shopping then escaped for a day to a even smaller village called Shere. It was a tedious drive to get there through seve...