Harry Potter-J.K.Rowling

The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling is probably one of the most addictive series of books ever. The themes and ideas in them stay in your mind and let your imagination run wild. Full of fantasy and magic, it pulls the strings and twists the plot so much you just don't know where it'll end up next. One moment you believe a character is good, but then you realise that they are actually bad, but in they end they were actually doing good all along! I am addicted and so disappointed the seventh book has left me begging for more! Harry Potter believes that he is an ordinary child in an ordinary home, with ordinary guardians and an ordinary cousin. But only once he begins receiving letters that his Aunt and Uncle have forbidden him to open, do things change. The truth is that Harry is no ordinary boy. He is actually a wizard and has been accepted to come to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There, he meets the most loyal friends and together, throughout the boo...