Harry Potter-J.K.Rowling
The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling is probably one of the most addictive series of books ever. The themes and ideas in them stay in your mind and let your imagination run wild. Full of fantasy and magic, it pulls the strings and twists the plot so much you just don't know where it'll end up next. One moment you believe a character is good, but then you realise that they are actually bad, but in they end they were actually doing good all along! I am addicted and so disappointed the seventh book has left me begging for more!

Harry Potter believes that he is an ordinary child in an ordinary home, with ordinary guardians and an ordinary cousin. But only once he begins receiving letters that his Aunt and Uncle have forbidden him to open, do things change. The truth is that Harry is no ordinary boy. He is actually a wizard and has been accepted to come to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There, he meets the most loyal friends and together, throughout the books, they discover more and more of the secrets hidden in Hogwarts.

Harry Potter's parents died when he was only one. They were killed by a dark wizard, Lord Voldemort. But the most strange thing is that on the night when Harry's parents were killed, Lord Voldemort tried to kill Harry too. He failed to do so though. The very same night, Voldemort fell from power. But Harry didn't walk away unscathed. Harry received a curse on his forehead, a lightning scar that scratched and burned makes him famous among the wizard community and more targetable for when Lord Voldemort rises again.
J.K Rowling has planned these books out incredibly well. In the end everything fits, just not as you expect it to. The characters are built up in a way that makes you feel like you can really understand them. Also, the use of magic, although the possibilities would have been endless for J.K. Rowling, it all makes sense. Nothing seems too far fetched and every detail counts towards the end.
This is the perfect book series for you who have run out of books to read and I think that it is appropriate for young adults and older and almost any type of reader. It is full of fantasy, magic, action, mystery and romance! J.K. Rowling's style may not be for everyone, if you first read it and didn't finish, I encourage you to try again. It took me a few tries before I finally got going and when I did, I devoured all seven books in just over a month. So I encourage you to persist because of the format of each book. J.K. Rowling makes the beginning of the book set the scene and then slowly builds up the the dramatic ending which could be a duel, finishing a bad guy, the loss of a loved one or solving a slowly unfolding mystery. But if you keep reading to the end, I promise you, what you read will be good!
Now, once you have read all seven of these books, what do you do? Well, you will probably be feeling how I am, which is craving for more. So, before you get to the new release "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" (more on that later) you can simply devour the movies as well. I must admit, the movies are great, but nothing beats the books. They do the books justice in the fact that they follow the plot almost completely and they are no huge chunks missing or changed. (Just check the rating)
Well there you have it! My new addiction-(and soon to be yours too!) Harry Potter. Please, please read them. You'll love them and they are so worth getting. When you read them, I'd love to know what you think or if you have already read them, please comment some feed back!
(EXCITING NEWS! Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is out! Finally! I am desperate to find myself a copy to share with you! So keep your eyes peeled for another Harry Potter post!)

(EXCITING NEWS! Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is out! Finally! I am desperate to find myself a copy to share with you! So keep your eyes peeled for another Harry Potter post!)
~The Inkpot Blogger
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