
Showing posts from January, 2019

Study Habits for the New Year

At this time of the year for students in Australia, we are getting ready to go back to school for a new year. This means that there are books to buy and there is holiday homework to finish. With a new year of school comes the opportunity to improve and implement some new study habits. In this post I am going to outline a few study habits I am going to work on this year and hopefully you will join me! Keep a Diary  There are many different ways to keep track of due dates and to do lists but my advice for you is to just choose one. For me, a paper diary works best but other people prefer to use the calendar on their phone and there are some very good apps (such as "The Homework App"). It is just as effective to use a digital diary as a paper one as long as you consistently write down ALL dates. This way you can be prepared and organised for whatever 2019 wants to throw at you. Neat Notes When writing paper notes, you want a simple system that is clear to re...

The Colour of Bee Larkham's Murder - Sarah J Harris

It is not very often that I read a really good book: one that has my attention the whole way through and one with a plot that shifts and twists as I read. Yet "The Colour of Bee Larkham's Murder"  was one of them. This murder mystery contains the genius of an Agatha Christie novel tied in with important current issues.  "Don't tell anyone what you did to Bee Larkham" Jasper is not an ordinary boy. In fact, he would say he is extraordinary. Synaesthesia paints the sounds of his world in a rainbow of colours that no one else can see. But on Friday, he discovered a new colour - the colour of murder. (excerpt from novel blurb) This novel provides an unpredictable mystery using an original plot line and surprising plot twist by feeding the reader small amounts of information as the story progresses, creating  anticipation and an Agatha Christie style. The character of Jasper supplies an insightful point of view, adding depth to the story and  displayi...

The Fellowship of the Ring- J.R.R. Tolkien

Inside "The Fellowship of the Ring" , J.R.R. Tolkien has created a whole new world and I love diving into this classic to read about it. I must admit that it is not a novel for everyone and I didn't love every aspect of the story but there's nothing like an classic, fantasy novel. "When Mr Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and  excitement in Hobbiton." (Page 21) Bilbo was regarded as a peculiar character due to his mysterious disappearance and far off adventures of his younger days. Despite this, all the folk of Hobbiton attended the party and were faced with a huge surprise. "He stepped down and vanished. There was a blinding flash of light, and the guests all blinked. When they opened their eyes Bilbo was nowhere to be seen." (Page 30) This left Frodo Baggins to inherit Bilbo's home and belongings which in...

Blog Organsation Tips

I am usually a pretty organised person in general because I feel stressed when things are in disarray. As a blogger, I have to manage my website and make sure that I post regularly. I struggled with this a lot at first, but now I have gotten the hang of it and I will share with you some tips and tricks that help me post on time. Preparation Having a blog post finished well before you intend on publishing it is one way to make blogging easier for yourself. I write my posts months before they are posted so that I have a lot of time to complete it and work on other things before it needs to be posted. For example, I am writing this post currently in early December, but it will be posted in early January.  Planning Inside my "blog" notebook, I keep a table of what posts I am posting when and how much of them have been completed. This helps me get posts done before their deadlines and allows me to work on them in bits and pieces. In this table I have eight c...