The Raven Boys- Maggie Steifvater

The Raven Boys is a novel that seems to be quite popular. I have read countless raving reviews and seen many Instagram posts about it so I put it on hold at my local library to give it a try for myself. I was not going to believe all of these reviews until I had read it for myself. I ploughed my way through The Raven Boys and this is what I encountered... Every year on St Mark’s Eve, Blue stands in the cold with her clairvoyant mother as she takes down the names of the souls who are to die in the coming year. Blue can never see them, while her mother always can, but this year one soul appears on the corpse road and speaks to Blue. “There are only two reasons a non-seer would see a spirit on St. Mark’s Eve. Either you’re his true love or you killed him” Blue has always been told that she will cause her true love to die... The boy that Blue sees is a rich boy from the local private school who she would normally stay away from, but something draw...