Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Finally this book arrived. Getting stuck into Harry Potter and the Cusred Child was no hard task and I flew through the pages of it in one day. It wasn't just any book though, the story is actually a play that was being performed in England so the book was written as a script, a form of text I haven't really read much. Since the book was written as a script, the layout allowed a lot more imagination so that I could match the scenes in the script to the scenes described by JK Rowling in her earlier books. Also, the fact that it was written as a script didn't make a difference in the way I read the book. It actually made it an easier read and made it easier to imagine the characters the way you wanted. Another thing that was different was that scenes moved a lot quicker as a script.

The story begins with Harry and Ginny's second son, Albus going onto the Hogwarts Express for his first year at Hogwarts. Albus' older brother James tries to scare Albus with lies about what happens at the school of witches and wizards, but Albus' biggest worry was which school house he would be placed in. Griffindor, the house of both his parents and their parents, is for the brave and bold. There is also Ravenclaw, for the smart and witty, and Hufflepuff, for the loyal and kind. Albus was only woried about being in Slytherin. Slytherin was a house known for dark magic, the darkest wizard of all time came from Slytherin, and that dark wizard had tried desperately to kill his father. Although Voldemort, the dark wizard is long gone, when Ablus is put into the house he dreaded most, he finds a most unlikely friend and together they venture into the unimaginable. Reliving the past is dangerous, but changing the past is life threatening. Albus and his unlikely friend discover how thankful they should be that the world is the way it is. It also them teaches them to treasure those around them because it is way too easy to lose the ones you love.

If that summary didn't make much sense to you, I will now explain why that is. You should probably read (Or watch) the Harry Potter series first before reading this book because otherwise, a lot of things won't make sense. A lot of memories and flashbacks are in it from Harry's Hogwarts years and I don't understand how it would make sense to anyone who doesn't know what a time-turner is, or what the Triwizard Tournament is, or who Bellatrix Lestrange is! So, if you haven't read Harry Potter, please read it! To read my review on the series, copy this link and search it- http://thepenandinkpot.blogspot.com.au/2016/08/harry-potter-jkrowling_6.html. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was quite a serious book, without the traces of humour that is in the other books. It reflected Harry as a father and how hard he found being a father without having had one as an example in his childhood. It taught the characters gratitude and appreciation for one another. It was one of those books that, once finished, requires a moment of silent reflection on the book where I sat there and just thought, "Wow". It leaves you wanting to know more- maybe there will be another book!??

So if you are a Harry Potter fan, you have probably already read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and if you haven't, you really must. For all other fans of fantasy, I highly recommend reading the Harry Potter series. For all teens out there, you must have read Harry Potter at some point in your life, so get back into it, why not read it again?
So there is your latest book recommendation from me. Keep updated on my blog for more book reviews, movie reviews, crafts and more!

So if you are a Harry Potter fan, you have probably already read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and if you haven't, you really must. For all other fans of fantasy, I highly recommend reading the Harry Potter series. For all teens out there, you must have read Harry Potter at some point in your life, so get back into it, why not read it again?
So there is your latest book recommendation from me. Keep updated on my blog for more book reviews, movie reviews, crafts and more!
~The Inkpot Blogger
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