If You Were Me - Sam Hepburn

The story swaps between two points of view. The first being of a girl named Aliya. She lives in Afghanistan with her Mother and siblings, managing the family whlie dealing with the loss of her father to terrorists. When her brother, Behrouz, is wanted dead by a terrorist group, they must escape to a different country. This new country is England.
The second point of view comes from a boy named Dan. Comparing him to Aliya is like chalk and cheese. He lives in England with his parents. He helps his dad with his plumbing business and leads a pretty boring and ordinary life. That is, until he meets Aliya.
England isn't so great once Behrouz is accused of planning a terrorist attack, but not matter what the press says, Aliya knows Behrouz is innocent.
Together, Dan and Aliya put together the pieces of the puzzle while encountering many unwanted surprises. Aliya is faced with the life or death of her brother and her family while Dan is hiding a discovery he wished he never discovered.

If you love a good, gripping mystery and are looking for one to read, I suggest that you find the nearest copy of If You Were Me and begin reading it as soon as possible. I would recommend it for readers older than ten because it mentions drug smuggling and violence. I would rate this book a solid 8 out of 10 because it was the sort of book that I kept thinking about even after I had put it down. As you can tell, I really enjoyed reading If You Were Me and I am intrigued to try reading another book by Sam Hepburn called Chasing the Dark. A similar genre to his other book Chasing the Dark is also a dark mystery and an adventure to uncover the truth. Have you read it? If you have I would really be interested to know what you thought of it. Happy Reading!
~The Inkpot Blogger
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