If You Were Me - Sam Hepburn

Not very long ago, I found myself in search of a good book to read so I went to the library and picked up a few to last me for a while. One of the books I borrowed was called If You Were Me amd it didn't really last me for very long at all. It is a gripping book filled with mystery and uncertainty with deeper meaning such as, equality, stereotypes and loyalty. If you Were Me will have you hanging on the edge of your seat until the very end. The story swaps between two points of view. The first being of a girl named Aliya. She lives in Afghanistan with her Mother and siblings, managing the family whlie dealing with the loss of her father to terrorists. When her brother, Behrouz, is wanted dead by a terrorist group, they must escape to a different country. This new country is England. The second point of view comes from a boy named Dan. Comparing him to Aliya is like chalk and cheese. He lives in England with his parents. He helps his dad with his plumbing bu...