Watercolour Paints - Use and Care

I own a set of watercolour paints and I highly recommend getting some if you don't already. You can buy sets of paints and equipment from art shops such as art riot. In this post I will show you how to use and care for your paints ensuring that you get the most out of them. The paints I have are the Mont Marte 12 pack water colours in tubes. I really like the tubes because they are easy to use and mix although I haven't really used many other sorts. 

Watercolour paints are so simple to use and are so versatile. There are so many ways to use them, there is no right and wrong. Simply squeeze the desired amount of paint onto your palette and dip your brush into the paint. For a lighter shade of your colour, you can paint the paper with water first before the colour or simply wet the brush before using the paints. But if you want to use the paints like acrylic paints to give you a stronger colour, just use no water. 

Any type of paint brushes work well with these paints. It is entirely up to you though when painting large areas in watercolour, it is important to use a relatively large brush to make sure the colour is even.

There is no need for any fancy palettes or berets, I just use the lid of an ice cream container to mix and use the colours in the tube. When you are finished painting, leave your palette and whatever paint is left on it to dry before packing it away. Then next time you need to use the colours on your palette, simply add water to the dry paint and it will be ready to use again.


A few tips on preserving your tubes: Firstly, they can get extremely hard to open after use if the rim has had wet paint left on it because when it dries it seals the lid onto the tube. If this happens, just run the top of the tube under hot water until the lid twists off. Also if the paint dries up, adding water on your paint brush and rubbing it on the dry paint should make it usable once again.

So thank you for reading my blog post and I hope that you will try watercolour paints, if you do, please let me know in the comments, how you go.
~Inkpot Blogger


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