The Best Bookshops in Melbourne

I have recently been on some bookshop crawls around the centre and East side of Melbourne and wish to share with you my discoveries. Beneath the hustle and bustle of Melbourne, you can find cosy rooms filled with every book you can imagine and amazing prices on great books if only you know where to look. If you live in or are visiting Melbourne, here are the bookshops with the best atmosphere and the best prices. Looking for cosy, bookish vibes? These ones are for you: City Basement Books - 342 Flinders St If you're not paying attention, you could easily miss the little doorway between the busy shops on Flinders Street but once you find it, it will lead you down a flight of stairs and into book heaven. Book shelves filled and piles on the ground stacked high with second hand books on any topic you can think of. Good prices and an awesome shop. Paperback Bookshop - 60 Bourke Street This is a tiny shop crammed with books in shelves going up to the cei...