Study Habits for the New Year

At this time of the year for students in Australia, we are getting ready to go back to school for a new year. This means that there are books to buy and there is holiday homework to finish. With a new year of school comes the opportunity to improve and implement some new study habits. In this post I am going to outline a few study habits I am going to work on this year and hopefully you will join me!

Keep a Diary 
There are many different ways to keep track of due dates and to do lists but my advice for you is to just choose one. For me, a paper diary works best but other people prefer to use the calendar on their phone and there are some very good apps (such as "The Homework App"). It is just as effective to use a digital diary as a paper one as long as you consistently write down ALL dates. This way you can be prepared and organised for whatever 2019 wants to throw at you.

Neat Notes
When writing paper notes, you want a simple system that is clear to read and easy to use. Having different colours for headings, subheadings and notes is useful and as always, having neat handwriting makes everything a lot neater! The aim isn't to have the most aesthetically pleasing notes with fancy fonts and banners, it is to be able to write notes in a way that will be easy for you to understand.

As a student there is a lot of stuff you are expected to bring to each class and it can get difficult to keep track of it all. This is where labelling becomes your best friend. Putting your name on all of your belongings is a good place to start. Then, sticking coloured tabs to the sides of your books will make it easier for you to find the right book for the right subject when they are stacked on top of each other. 

Positive Mindset
We all know that the idea of going back to school isn't a particularly enjoyable prospect, but another good study habit to use is having a positive mindset. Looking for the plus side makes school seem more exciting. Getting down about school makes it seem worse than it is.
In the words of Newt Scamander:
"Worrying makes you suffer twice"

Those are all of the things I'm doing to prepare for the coming year. Are you going to try them too? What are your study habits? Comment below on this post and let me know!
Thank you reading my blog and come back next weekend for a new post.

~Inkpot Blogger


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