
Showing posts from July, 2020

Night - Elie Wiesel

Good things come in small packages. That’s how the saying goes, or at least that’s what they say to my 5-foot-tall sister. That’s also what I would say about “Night” by Elie Wiesel. Although it is a tiny book and a quick read, it contains some incredible writing from a thought-provoking perspective. We’ve all read books about the Holocaust. Even if historical fiction is not your thing, you’ve probably still read a book about the Holocaust. In some ways, it is an overused concept for a book, but not for this one. “Night” showed me a new, deeper, darker side of war, made both fascinating and horrifying by the fact that the story is true. A horror story written by the very man who lived through it.  “Night” is Elie Wiesel’s account of his experience of being born into a Jewish Ghetto in Hungary and sent to Nazi concentration camps. As a mere child, he endured the atrocities of life at Auschwitz and Buchenwald which lost him his family and faith. His novel explores the darke

Chasing Starlight - Teri Bailey Black

(Chasing Starlight will be released on 11st August 2020, I received an Advanced Reading Copy from the publisher through NetGalley to review) "Chasing Starlight" is a thrilling read with suspense to keep even the bravest of readers on the edge of their seats. Kate arrives in Hollywood to live with Oliver Banks, who is her grandfather and a forgotten star of the silent movies. Her new life is not as glamorous as she had planned as Kate gets thrust onto the set of a movie and finds one of the borders staying at her grandfather's house dead on the kitchen floor. She embarks on a journey to solve the mystery while protecting Oliver and staying out of suspicion. Kate creates a very interesting character with a slowly unravelling back story. Although her past is traumatic, she creates a strong protagonist and I felt myself rooting for her as she gradually overcame her fears. Although the novel is written in third person, I still feel that Kate has a unique voice and