Creating a Cosy Reading Corner!

There's nothing I like more than sitting in a quiet spot and reading for hours on end. Whether you like sitting on your couch with a blanket, in in your favourite cafe, it's great to have a creative getaway. I love sitting in a corner or on enclosed space and just getting lost in the words of a good book. I recently decided that, as much as I love sitting on my bed or the couch, I would make a cute little area in the corner of my room especially for me and my book.

First I cleaned my room and found the perfect corner by a window and a nice, spare chair. Making and decorating your pretty corner doesn't have to be expensive. I simply found a cute cushion and a framed quote at a garage sale for just two dollars! All I needed to do then was just replace the picture on the wall for my new one and pop the cushion on the chair. Perfect! Of course, you can put anything you want in your corner. You could add a coffee table or use a beanbag instead of a chair. It's all up to you. You don't even need to spend anything. You could just go hunting around your house for unused furniture and special things that you love. Remember that your reading corner is all yours so you can jazz it up your way. It's a great place to read, write or do whatever you want. Make sure your corner looks appealing and comfortable so that it will motivate you to sit down and read. But most of all make sure that your special corner is your style and make sure you love it!


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