Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer-Book Review

Recently I read the book "Between the Lines" by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer and I was totally captivated by its unique and clever concept. I highly recommend it because I devoured this book in one solid day. It was a page turner that I couldn't put down until the very last page. That's when I picked up its sequel!

"Between the Lines" is about a prince in a fairytale and how every time the book is read the characters inside the book play out their roles in the reader's head. But while the book is closed, the characters in the book can do what they want. They have their own personalities and traits that may be totally different to the characters that they are playing. Prince Oliver is the clever prince in the fairytale and the reader, Delilah, falls in love with the prince who desperately yearns to get out of the story that he is tied to. But for Delilah, talking to Oliver in the book isn't ideal for her when her mum finds out and sends her to a psychologist. But Delilah is tied to Oliver and the way she can relate to him. Love is stronger than ever when it comes to Oliver and Delilah wanting the happy ever after they deserved.

Jodi Picoult is an author of many well known adult fictional books. But when her daughter Samantha called her with her idea for a young adult fiction book, Jody was quick to get the idea down. Over many long hours of going through the story sentence by sentence, Samantha Van Leer was introduced to the real hard work it takes to write and publish a book.

I would definitely recommend this book for most audiences particularly from ages 11-15. There is romance and kissing but is still appropriate. If you read "Between the Lines" and enjoy it, (which I'm sure you will!) I would also recommend the sequel to this book, "Off the Page" also by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer and "Finding Serendipity" by Angelica Banks. I really loved "Finding Serendipity" because it is similar to "Between the Lines" since it is about writers and books and getting lost in the magical words of a good story.

"Between the Lines" is a magical story that is captivatingly written. I admire Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer and the great writing style of this book. "Between the lines" creates a clear message as it shows the love of two people and how everyone deserves a happy ending. Thanks for reading my blog,
~Inkpot Blogger


  1. Thanks the Inkpot blogger - I really enjoyed your review and will definitely read 'Between The Lines'!


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